(Of gold, of gold, of gold) (Of gold, of gold, of gold) I hear you calling from afar Weird words that cut right through the darkness that I feel (feel, feel) Unbreak the chains around my heart You make the shadows disappear, disappear ('pear, 'pear) You carry the flame where the fire's gone out Sacred and safe till I'm found Yeah, you shine everywhere that you go (go) Shine everywhere that you go (go) You're a light at the end of the road (road) Your heart is made of gold Yeah, you shine everywhere that you go (go) Shine everywhere that you go (go) You're a light at the end of the road (road) Your heart is made of gold, of gold, of gold Of gold, of gold, of gold Of gold, of gold, of gold I see you burning through the night You're a reflection dancing at the waterline I melt away like sheets of ice You turn my tears to paradise, paradise You carry the flame where the fire's gone out Sacred and safe till I'm found Yeah, you shine everywhere that you go (go) Shine everywhere that you go You're a light at the end of the road (road) Your heart is made of gold Yeah, you shine everywhere that you go (go) Shine everywhere that you go You're a light at the end of the road (road) Your heart is made of gold, of gold, of gold (Yeah, you shine everywhere that you go) Of gold, of gold, of gold (Yeah, you shine everywhere that you go) Of gold, of gold, of gold (Yeah, you shine everywhere that you go) You're a light at the end of the road (road) Your heart is made of gold, of gold, of gold