You run for nothing, this is what they say This never gonna place it in the right way I'll make what I want and no matter the price I have to pay What I see, the sadness in my lines, the looser that almost win Is enough, my blood still run and my soul needs to rise above There's nothing that I can expect Changing my mind, becoming old My time is up right now, my last chance So the truth remains and I can be myself The fight is eminent, fear becomes a strenght I've never felt I'm alive hearing the laughs of clowns that suffocate in their own tongues C'mon and tell me what you see, the same face all those years The jail is open, I wasted too much time Believe me, I'll make this burn There's no way to escape My body is empty and rotten My eyes are not so blind So I'll go with the flow Here I am, growing pain, the day has just begun Despise each stone I tread I feel nothing, the climb is in front of me Will you come or will you die in suffering Go and see what I see Go and feel what I feel Go and be whatever you want Cause I'm just being myself