I just feel like an outcast to them all, all, no Who knew being so large Could make you feel so small? Well, let me tell you why I left home To find a better place Wasn't exactly happy with the way of their faith So I, I traveled far and figured I'd make my own way Not expecting you to come along And change my whole fate You took my hand and showed me Exactly where to go You grew my heart into something I had never known So tell me, why I'm feeling so small in size? When I'm as clear as your eyes can see Willing to die for you? I just feel like an outcast to them all, all, no Who knew being so large Could make you feel so small? So here we are Trying to make the world a better place I know it's tough But I'm putting on that brave face Despite the fact I'm feeling Like a zero instead of a hero I can't even make your eyes To see me the same way I'm feeling cutoff (an outcast in your own eyes) I'm feeling beat down (heart broken at the same time) It's my own fault my hopes got lifted way too high I thought we had a shot, but guess you're just the friend type So tell me, why I'm feeling so small in size? When I'm as clear as your eyes can see Willing to die for you? I just feel like an outcast to them all, all, no Who knew being so large Could make you feel so small? I just feel like an outcast Maybe some day I'll figure out who I really am But until, I guess I just feel like an outcast