Yes it affects me, what did you expect? How does it feel to live without the cons of consequence? I'm a professional An original part of the surgical team that brought you back to life Why did you tell then you owe me, you don't know me [HOOK] Latitude, I'm always giving you latitude You've mistaken my patience for the mark of a fool Gratitude, why can't you show a little gratitude You are a ledge and I'm thinking of letting go I'm like a wife with a knife to her neck when I tell you I love you But when I am alone the feeling is just not that intense We spoke upon the telephone, I told you I don't need to know, don't want to know And it's cliche to say it but I know when you cheated The pieces defeated form a Valentine, what could have been [HOOK] You gotta stop stop talking to me when you're like this You'll say anything to win me back I'm not feeling it anymore Once again you had it wrong You thought you had me ever long