Our mother's wrath inspired, sought A grand finale from her womb An infernal tower bleeding hot Becomes her children's blazing tomb No angels here to sound their horn Just the rumble below our feet No seven plagues to mute the morn' Only ash that inters concrete A graven urn our Earth becomes Shrouded always from thy light For the winged fiery chorus sung Announcing the birth of forever night Alas for Gaia's destiny She seeks no better company For that which all life holds true She succumbs to that very rule Blanket gray, swallows whole, Lifeless, shallow, darkened, cold From ash to ash the sages scribed From dust we were, from dust we die Cruelty becomes her winged ways To shut the light and mute the days All our ventures succumb to rust As we the people resign to dust Darkness falls, monstrosity Our planet devoured, brutality The emperor sun, conquered, now lies For our father's light transpired, denied From what was once now consumed A world left entirely entombed All our years passed in vain Our past decayed and future slain