Natural disasters plague this world Bringing death and pain Evil empires rise and fall Leaving some to blame Where was God when Katrina raged? When the twin towers burned in flames If all powerful then why? All of the wisdom of man withers In light of God's eternal plan And only one thing remains secure The living word of God Desperately wicked we are born Corrupted seeds This stronghold grips humanity The curse of sin Where was God when temptation came? A perfect world is led astray If all powerful then why? All of the glory of man withers When flesh makes flesh the strength it fails And only one thing remains secure The living word of God Twisting words the serpent roused our evil pride You can be like God Your eyes will open wide You will never die Expelled from the garden Falling for the lie Now death, pain and sorrow Scar all human life Flesh and spirit raging on The war within Life or death / Cursed or blessed The choice is given In the perfect sacrifice A hope remains Redemption by the blood He shed Love overcame