Sacred Reich

Violent Solutions

Sacred Reich

Lurking in the shadows 
Hidden from the light 
Admist the degredation 
His thirst for blood arise 
The quest for carnal pleasures 
The growing need for flesh 
Senseless brutal beatings 
Phsycotic lust is fed 

Maliciously tortured ripped to shreds 
Innocent victims killed by death 
Frenzied thrashings dreched in blood 
Fleeting screams you have succumb 

Up from wretched alleys 
Strewn with shards of glass 
Burning eyes of hatred 
All sign of life be gone 
Mission maim, destruction 
Mauled and scarred to death 
Return to darkened alleys 
To rise and kill again 

Maliciously tortured ripped to shreds 
Innocent victims killed by death 
Frenzied thrashings dreched in blood 
Fleeting screams you have succumb 

Cast into poverty 
To live amongst the dead 
Skid row life of hoplessness 
Fuels hatred of mankind 
Release of cruel emotions 
Takes from homicide 
No answer to his question 
Violent solutions abide 

Maliciously tortured ripped to shreds 
Innocent victims killed by death 
Frenzied thrashings dreched in blood 
Fleeting screams you have succumb