After a long voyage in the dark On the paths of tumultuous seas We reached the fabled Colchis! Aietes What wind has brought thee here O heroes from the sea? What is it that you seek In the lands of the East? Jason I have come to claim the skin Of great Poseidon's offspring And mighty Helios' kin The ram that Phrixus and Helle! The immortal beast which guards the fleece Reared its head and fire breathed Setting clouds alight on high We sail for home the tyrant's fall! On the throne our king's restored! We sail for Greece (we bring with us) The Golden Fleece! The ancient legacy of Gods and Kings! Sword and sorcery combined Hellenic steel, Medea's draught Put the dragon down at last And o'er the sea the Argonauts The Golden Fleece in Jason's grasp The legacy of Gods and kings! The Golden Fleece Pelias sought Will prove his doom, his downfall! We sail for home the tyrant's fall! On the throne our king's restored! We sail for Greece (we bring with us) The Golden Fleece! The ancient legacy of Gods and Kings! We sail for home the tyrant's fall! On the throne our king's restored! We sail for Greece (we bring with us) The Golden Fleece! The ancient legacy of Gods and Kings! A divine ram, fathered by Poseidon and Themisto A flying speck of gold arching Through the skies o'er Hellespont Divine rescue for Phrixus, the young prince and His sister, the innocent Helle A vessel for the justice and mercy of the Gods, this Rain with a fleece of pure gold, was unleashed From above and the tyrants of yore Were struck numb with awe