In the land of Macedonia In the northlands of Hellas The dead King is being mourned And vultures covet the Sacred Throne Alexander is now King All hail Phillip's son! Hellenic Blood, son of the Gods The dukes of Persia he will crush! The traitors face their final judgment Phillip's killers to the death he drags! After justice has been served A war campaign now's on the run The Nation's League he must preserve To the South now he marches! Thebes is now burning to the ground Flames consume the ancient town! Doom brings with him the Bold Prince of Macedonia Traitors of Hellas you'll repent and pay the price The troops now he gathers A holy pact he must uphold His army crossed the Hellespont The Persian hubris must be stopped His father's dream must carry on He wants to reach the end of world In Granicus he is forcing The Persian satraps to withdraw And marches on