Save your tears for the moment came at last My destiny commands that we must be brave Till the last No remorse for the choice I have made Father don't cry for you son My decision is final and so will be done Dark will not prevail upon the light For our values we will fight The oath we must keep On shield or with shield We'll return form the battlefield Spartan War Paean (lyrics translated by an ancient Hellenic poem of the Athenian poet Tirtaios) "Go forth children of Sparta, bravest seed of all the times Wield your shield with your left hand and with your right raise high your spear Don't hesitate to sacrifice your life, this is the cause you have been raised True descendants and heirs of Achilles with your battle stand the enemy delayed" Farewell to heroic spirit Farewell to the children of the sun Farewell to heroic spirit Farewell to the children of Hellas Farewell my beloved wife as I leave you behind Try your sorrow to hide Farewell my fatherland, mountains an fields With the first ray of sun you'll be all memories