"In 332 the Mages of Tyre Read omens black Written in entrails Of their sacrifice Yet none could believe That their citadel Could ever be breached: Surrounded by the sea A spire emerging from the blue With death lurking behind Every battlement manned" Alexander rode thence With phalanxes strong And great machines of war In his eyes burned the truth Of every black omen The Mages foretold For seven long months Catapults spat their wrath And hails of arrows Blackened the sun! The Lion of Macedonia Roared at the gates Eager to feast On the flesh of victory! When death walked behind The mighty walls of Tyre The laments of the east Rose in a chorus of dirge! When death was unleashed In the doomed city of Tyre Alexander stood tall The fury of the Gods! Long and hard Was each terrible day The Phoenicians fell from the wails Down to a watery grave! Until at last Marching up a ramp Made of corpses and debris Alexander shattered The Tyrian ivory gates: The Lion's fury was great For each of his men Bloody revenge he did claim: No man was spared Women and children Were sold as slaves A solemn reminder To the barbarians who remained