Sitting in a black and blue taxicab Listening to the taxi driver telling his story He was complaining he was talk talk talking Looking for a house, got no money with mouths to feed And it was early, five in the morning Too much information and my head was hurting I got caught up in his drama, but I got mine too, what about you Different people with a different story If I could only listen to my neighbors' story Get his point of view and when I do I tell you my borders are changing I tell you my borders are changing It was late, talking to a friend of mine and she was telling me about her day She thrown away her books and her television Said she's done with it all, done with it all At first I couldn't stop myself laughing but her silence told me so much more I got caught up in her drama, but I got mine too, what about you Different people with a different story If I could only listen to my neighbors' story Get his point of view and when I do I tell you my borders are changing I tell you my borders are changing Slowly, surely, surely I got mine too, what about you I got mine too, what about you Different people with a different story If I could only listen to my neighbors' story Get his point of view and when I do I tell you my borders are changing I tell you my borders are changing