Sabbath Assembly


Sabbath Assembly

Now free the slave runs
Toward the hostile border now
And you feel the dust fall
Veil of maya ripped apart
Then comes the time when

Everything is laced
The shadow’s trace looms
Bitter is the aftertaste
Free is no longer free

Now you’re alone slipping down
Bury the you buried within
You feel everywhere and nowhere
Not anyone, not worth you

Through midnight streets
I hear the youthful harlot’s curse
Blasts the newborn tear and
Blights with plagues the marriage hearse
And still a world begins

Forward we sweep near where you stand
Judas is there, silver in his hands
His rope is nearby starting to burn
Yesterday’s mob in awe returns

To gather the ash in time’s golden urn
What have we lost? What did we learn?
Last night I dreamed I followed you
Through the forcefield and into the blue

Cold winds they blow, diamonds they gleam
All is not lost but something’s not seen
Run run run fast over the sea
Run run run fast home to me