Sabbath Assembly

Solve Et Coagula

Sabbath Assembly

Foundations were laid
The pearl burst open
It hadn't the strength to contain God
All of us lonely ones with broken hearts
If permission comes, oh dear one
We shall praise the oceans

For God does speak
But we cannot perceive it
In a vision at night she speaks in our ears

All of us lowly ones who lack the guts
If permission comes, oh dear one
We shall praise the fire

Solve et coagula
Ash cypress and hellebore

At the luminous gate
Lay the cup and the eye
One is for sight
And one is for blood
All of us lonely ones with broken hearts
If permission comes, oh dear one
We shall praise the earth

Solve et coagula
Emerald and sapphire

I am the way the truth the start of life
And no one comes in but through my heart
I am the way the truth the end of life
And no one comes in but through death

The heart of the wise is in mourning
And the heart of fools is in the house of mirth

All of us lowly ones who lack the guts
If permission comes, oh dear one
We shall praise the ethers

Solve et coagula
Chrysolith and ruby
Ash cypress and hellebore