Silent strange moonlight You leave for hill tonight A number of the beast are you messenger Sabbat is calling for you Invite witches by your scale sword Light up in the grave Witches dance, go mad Scream of victim The black bells toll Evil! Crest of Satan Groly and power in hell Beast! Crest of Satan Bloody line age lives He raped many lady, killed people What do you think under the evil crest World is fallen in the dark Is controlled by his power Sign of 666 which is carved on the head Shout with skulls Standing at gates of of hell You live forever Evil! Crest of Satan! Groly and power in hell Beast! Crest of Satan! Bloody line age lives Chant the spell, offer your soul And get Satan's power Crowd of devil, dance Became insane on the bloody hill Emperor of Satan, in the name of Satan He commits evil Black wing eyes, keep up shining Under the burning cross Evil! Satan! Father in blood! Beast! Great your might! Evil! Satan! Father in blood! Beast! Great your might! Crest of Satan! Silent strange moonlight You leave for hill tonight A number of the beast are you messenger Sabbat is calling for you Invite witches by your scale sword Light up in the grave Witches dance, go mad Scream of victim The black bells toll Evil! Satan! Father in blood! Beast! Great your might! Evil! Satan! Father in blood! Beast! Great your might! Crest of Satan! Crest! Crest! Crest of Satan! Blood! Bloodstorm! Bloodstain the cross! Crest! Crest! Crest of Satan! Blood! Bloodstorm! Bloodstain the cross!