(The) once the mighty cities now crumbled and turned to sand Here dwelt the Old Slaine (the Masters) Infinite wisdom (a god given right) To these genetic scientists forming new life Yet these powerful beings could never have known Their seeds of destruction were already sown See how the void gates that held back the Chaos foe Shudder and shatter, an entropy overload Spewing forth creatures, obscene machinations Malicious entities warping creation Shrouded in darkness they silently wait Counting the days 'til the Blood God awakes Armed with fury, cloaked by night Mutations spawned by warpstone might Shall now go forth, proliferate To slay and conquer, dominate [Chorus:] From their holes and caverns deep Ten million Orc and Goblin feet With hungry hearts and sharpened knives They come to take your worthless lives [The Call To Arms] "Blood for the Blood God!" [x2] Die! - Chaos claims thee Die! - Chaos maims thee Die! - Chaos claims thee Die - Chaos takes thy soul Thy soul Die! - Chaos claims thee Die! - Chaos maims thee Die! - Chaos claims thee Die - Chaos takes thy soul