Tom: D =} hey guys sory this is ma first time tabbing and im onley 13!!! I am prety positive dat dis is corect ae... and please rate this if you do dat would alot to me omg i luv lucas and im really glad he won but i also luvd toby he awsome!!! l8a g8a ...EVS... lol im onley a kid and didnt no what novice ment so yea its easy...oh and big ups to ma m8s at devon intermideate school hey guys!!! E|-3-0-3-0-3-0-3-0-|-2-0-2-0-2-0-2-0-|-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-|-2-0-2-0-2-0-2-0-| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| B|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| E|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|