If I were a bird I wouldn't live in the city I'd live up in the highest mountain crack And I could come down to see you whenever I wanted to With talons for my feet and feathers on my back And, If I were a bird I wouldn't fly to close to the ground 'Cause I wouldn't want any hunters to ever shoot me down I wouldn't go near the road 'cause it's a dangerous place to play And I wouldn't want to end up injured out on the lone highway If I were a bird I would fly so high That the only people near me Would be the pilots in the sky And If I were a bird I'd fly so gracefully Through the air so all mankind could see If I were a bird If I were a bird I'd love the morning breeze 'Cause it would blow through my wings and take me where I please Over mountains and the oceans the whole world I would view And you could look up and see me and I could look down and see you If I were a bird I'd fly right up to heaven And there I'd meet the father and the son Then maybe me and the Holy Ghost could fly together And go where he's descending like a dove descending like a dove But then the Lord would probably call me into his great throne room And say you're not supposed to be a bird you see So go back where you belong and be the man you ought to Be the man, the best that you can be But if I were a bird