Ry Cooder

JESSE JAMES (Another version)

Ry Cooder

I'll tell you about Jesse and Frank James 
My grandfather was personally acquainted with them 
My grandfather lived in the southern edge of Baxter County,
And they stayed all night with him lots of nights 
And my grandfather told me there was a lot of those robberies
that was layed to Jesse and Frank James 
And he knew they didn't do it 'cause they was at his place when
it happened 
But you couldn't tell the public that 
When they get their minds made up that somebody's done something

Why the public's gonna stick to it anyway 
My grandfather, he knew them as boys 
And they could come to his place and go without anybody paying
attention 'cause nobody expected them 
Down in Arkansas, see, 'cause they was from Missouri 
Now that's the story that my grandfather told me when I was just
a boy 
And he said that Frank James, at that World's Fair, 
I think it was 1901 in St. Louis him and Jesse were both there 
My grandfather and Frank James were together there 
And that Frank James offered to bring Jesse there alive 
He said that the man that the Ford boys killed wasn't Jesse
James at all 
But the fellow they killed was just about the size of Jesse and
he was red headed 
And he wasn't any relation to the Fords 
See, Jesse James was a known cousin to Charles and Bob Ford 
That's what my grandfather said 
He said Jesse and Frank were not even in that part of the
country when that fellow was killed 
And the Ford boys, why, they collected a thousand dollars for
killing Jesse James! 
Now the song says that the Ford boys killed Jesse 
None of us up here in the mountains believe that, no sir!