Ry Cooder

I'm a Good Old Rebel

Ry Cooder

Oh, I'm a good old Rebel 
Now that's just what I am 
For this fair land of freedom 
I do not care a damn. 
I'm glad I fought against it 
I only wish we'd won. 
And I don't want no pardon 
For anything I've done. 

I hates the Yankee nation 
And everything they do, 
I hates the Declaration 
Of Independence, too; 
I hates the glorious Union- 
'Tis dripping with our blood- 
And I hates their striped banner, 
I fought it all I could. 

Three hundred thousand Yankees 
Stiffen in Southern dust 
We got three hundred thousand 
Before they conquered us 
They died of Southern fever 
And Southern steel and shot 
And I wish it was three million 
Instead of what we got. 

I won't be reconstructed
I'm better now than then
and for that carpetbagger
I do not give a damn
so I'm off for the frontier
soon as I can go
I'll prepare a weapon
and start for Mexico