Boys! Girls! Boys! Girls! She don't know if she wants to be his girlfriend. He don't know if he wants to be her boyfriend. Boys...Girls, it's Boys and Girls She ain't never said that she did it He ain't never said that he didn't It's blacked out drunk and never forget it now With a second-hand love A brand new position Administering a brand new ambition No jealousy about all suspicion now Pay no attention to here and now 'Cause the sound of a kiss can smack so loud Like the guns going off in a crowd With Boys and Girls conflicts abound When Boys and Girls come around They paint the whole town With a lipstick frown, it gets them down But it gets me thinking... We're not Boys and Girls anymore We're not Boys and Girls We're weapons of war... She don't know if she wants to be his boyfriend He don't know if he wants to be her girl... Boys...Girls, it's Boys and Girls He thinks that she's understated She thinks that she's undefined He thinks that he's perfect for her now. He reminds him of his father's hatred She signs between the lines on paper He thinks that he's perfect for her now. But perfect can intersect with undefined and paper lines When we improvise this love despise We sympathize one to demise now If we do it right now If we do it right now... We won't be Boys and Girls anymore. We're not Boys and Girls We're weapons of war... Can we really get along like this? When we can't see past our righteousness There's no use fighting this, we won't ever change We're not Boys and Girls anymore We're not Boys and Girls We're weapons of war... BOMBS AWAY! I think it's just a moment away Send 'em home on their way I know that's how they do it to me. I know that's how they do it to me Boys and Girls are shitty. Boys! Girls! Boys! Girls! Boys! Girls!