I heard the doctors on the street who say the prescription's great. Send my condolences to the kid who springs to buy his brand new brain. You'll be big on the streets with friends. Better steal some money or you're alone again. Your hopes and dreams are like a beach where water has dried to sand. Your colors have all gone away colors of discipline white to gray your vision will be black one day your ambitions will be lax some day. Like a dog they rub your nose in the mess that you made. How about your kennel for a couple of days. It's yourself that you played. Scratch past the scab over the wound you made. It won't go clean so you just let it bleed. You may have destroyed the flower but you still have the seed. -chorus- If I had the time to give you a piece of my mind I'd kick you out of my life but just the same with your fame your friends may think you're great. Your friends are the ones with the sharpest haircuts and guns and they'll beat me up if I'm not the right punk in the right club today. -chorus-