Russ Taff

This Love Is Strong

Russ Taff

Some times the questions
Seem to hard
Are we growing together
Or falling apart
The ghosts of the past
Have infected our dreams
What's the damage
What's the cost
Are we destined to repeat

I remember the start of it
Our hopes were still new
Our eyes were wide with innocence
Our hearts were strong and true
We trembled as we fought to keep
First love alive
When did things get out of hand
How do we survive

This love is strong
It will lst
It will hold you up when you need it
It will not break
I won't give up
It costs so much and I need you

We circle like opponents
Sparring with the blame
You hold your heart so tightly
To shield it from more pain
But even now sometimes I see
Unguarded in your eyes
A fragile hope that love can win
The willingness to try

It's such a complicated thing
It's not easy
But I'm here for you
When you need me
We'll fight to hold the ground
We've won
Please don't surrender
We're not in this alone