Tom: C C Am C Lies, lies, lying little beast, Lying little man on the corner of the street C Am C Singing "Why, I can't come out to play, Can't come out and say that I'm afraid of what they'll say C G Am F Am C They're saying, "Oh, no! You'll never be a-lone! Never hear the sound of someone calling you home." C Am C I flew farther than I knew, Father, did you know that I don't need to tell the truth? C Cause my lies take me far away, Take me to a place where everyone will know my name C G Am F Am C Screaming, "Oh, no! You'll never be a-lone! Never hear the sound of someone calling you home." C Calling you home (humming) C Am F C, Am C F C C Oh Lord, whatever did I say? Whatever made me think that this was all okay? C No one held me to the flame, The hell if I could take the dark from my face C G Am F Am C Screaming, "Oh, no! I'll always be a-lone. I'll never hear the sound of someone calling me home." C Calling me home Calling me home Calling me home (ah) C Am F C, Am C F C C Am F C Lies! Lies that I couldn't see! I couldn't see that the liar was me! Am C F C And so I flew away with myself, I was the beast all alone in my hell (repeat) F C I was the beast all alone in my hell I was the beast all alone in my hell I was the beast all alone in my hell