This doesn’t sound nearly as theatrical or comical as it should Alighieri sees me as a dishonor Cursing me from the gates of hell Requiem for the sclerotic, possessed by torpor The body in the madhouse is not of an immortal I survived inquisition, Politi-comical commissions Protested divinity into senseless matters My tragedy has been pointless for so long But I write and poetize it in an epic song Sempiternam jubilaeum I leave the world to crumble alone And take refuge in my mind Abridgment and sentient about my devotion Wet, in my bed, around a thousand emotions It’s written on my bible The evangel of the snake The ophidian sacrament Vulgar, hedonistic, indecent Sempiternam jubilaeum My overdose is from stars, not from crack There is no boundary I cannot wreck I’m covered with petals And gold bravery medals So I’ll be honored by all I’m much wider than your simple eyes can see Or you fathom to believe in the greatest jubilee In your world so precious, my beauty is atrocious Reality is met only with lies Evil has many faces, many forms, In blood and pleasure I rule the destruction I adore While I inject it down with gore Freedom entwine my senses I’m the dusk flirting with dawn Cause I’m not constant with my passions Sometimes love’s just too ethereal But I’m young and my time’s getting short Sempiternam jubilaeum I call for every apostle in hell I climb on my serpent and bid you Farwell The vipers are coiling, the opus is rolling In the palace built in my mind I may be committing an eighth or ninth sin Maybe happiness is just the absinth Until today some of them call me the great whore Bound to hateful blasphemy since the day I was born And as I wrought myself to shards of what I’ve been Those pieces hunted gathering Mirroring the deep of me