Spread your wings for New Orleans, Kentucky bluebird Fly away, and take a message to Martha, message to Martha She sings each night in some café, in a search to find wealth and fame I hear Martha has gone and changed her name It's a year since she was here, Kentucky bluebird Fly away, and take a message to Martha, message to Martha Tell her I miss her more each day As her train pulled out down the track Martha promised she'd soon be coming back Oh tell her how my heart just breaks in two since she journeyed far And even though her dreams of fame fell through, to me she will always be a star Spread your wings for New Orleans, Kentucky bluebird Fly away, and take a message to Martha, message to Martha Ask her to head for home today, when you find her please let her know Rich or poor, I will always love her so Fly away, Kentucky bluebird, spread your wings, Kentucky bluebird Fly away, fly away, fly away