Don't touch me with your filthy hands Leave me alone and let me work in peace I don't care for your stupid chants It's my choice with whom I want to be My body is my sacred possession I'll let you know if I want you around Don't bother me with your shallow questions It's so offensive its bringing me down I have to be A beauty Independent Caring mother Fit and healthy Live agenda Friendly shoulder And ready on time I'm not a pricess I'm a queen Fulfilled Empowered Not a girl I am a woman And my story Only I know how to write Women in power Humanity will thrive Women empowered Nothing less then equal rights I wear whatever I feel good and pretty You only have the right to abide I didn't asked for your permission You have no saying into my life All my existence I have been harassed On every corner was some stupid guy Throwing a punch line I didn't ask for So rude and mean sometimes I wish they die I am a warrior Lioness I choose my prey Without regrets I strike Your jugular Banquet I'll feast and then I will shine I love my Ink I'm free Whatever I will do Without a question This is who I am Respect me or get out of my sight Women in power Humanity will thrive Women empowered Nothing less then equal rights Speeches I'm not a pricess I'm a queen Fulfilled Empowered Not a girl I am a woman And my story Only I know how to write I am a warrior Lioness I choose my prey Without regret I will do Whatever Just respect me Or get out of my sight Women in power Humanity will thrive Women empowered Nothing less then equal rights