Rufus Lumberjack

Company Man

Rufus Lumberjack

Company Man

Every now and then
You'll meet someone
Who lives for the company

Oh you know the type
It's that kind of guy
Who's first in and last to leave

Playing by the rules
Straight from the book
Never flexible to his peers

Thinks he's superman
Doing more than he can
A truly corporate devotee

Company man

Proud of his workplace
Mocked by workmates
Never on top of the pyramid

Working on weekends
Overnight he stands
Wearing the badge of the company

Never dates his wife
And his son has cried
He neglects his own family

Employee of the month
His boss always shuns
Be explored is what he needs

Company man

Until the day of downsizing
He never thought it would happen to him
200% of life he gave
His wife has left him and took the kids

He's suddenly realizing
20 years has passed by him
Now he's alone and the tears don’t fade
Regretting all of the choices he made

Company man