Tom: D D My one wish in this life G Is for a world wherevryone's white Bm G Without Jews, Without Jews D No more jews in this land G No more Barbara Streisand Bm G Without Jews, Without Jews D I could sing, I could dance G If every Jew would drop their pants Bm G When I choose, When I choose D I won't stop, I won't rest G Because this world would be the best Bm G Without Jews, Without [Chorus] D Jeeeews G D No more jews D Jews D Jews G Goodbye to D Jews D Jews D Jews G D No more Jews [Verse 1] D Just one race should be here G White people that have blonde hair Bm With eyes blue G With eyes blue D Seinfeld will be soap tonight G what's the deal with the Third Reich Bm Without Jews G Without Jews D I'll take France, I'll take Poland G I'll kill Rob Schneider and Seth Rogen Bm They are stuuuu-pid G White Jews D And Mel Brooks, well he's alright G I'll tell him to make Spaceballs Zwei Bm Without Jews G Without [Chorus] D Jeeeeews G No more Jews D Jews D Jews G D Goodbye to Jews D Jews D Jews G D No more Jews [Ending] D I just lost to United States G It looks like Jews are here to stay Bm G D (crying)Why?