Howdy there, faggots It's me, Toby Queef Everybody wanna hear a story? Grab your fifth of Beethoven or yer moonshine with a little bit o' eggnog in there for good luck, And listen up The following was all said by Jesus Christ at some point: I was drivin' down the street When the police came to me And they pulled to me to the curb and said "Can I see ID?" And I said, no, Sir, fuck you Your probably a Jew So deck the halls and suck my balls Let's a smoke a blunt or two Orrr, you could Suck my balls, suck my balls Police all to have AIDS (hey) Got 'em one day from a bathhouse gang in Southeastern L.A (yay) Suck my balls, suck my Balls Police all have AIDS (hey) So I hit the gas, and I crushed his ass and then I got away So I drove down to the park, To hunt right after dark And I saw some hippies dancin' So I shot one in the heart And his friend said "Oh shit, you fuckin' killed him, man!" Then I made him eat his frisbee, and he thre up in his hand. And I made him Suck my balls Suck my balls Hippies all have AIDS (Hey) Got 'em one time from the butt sex vine on a vacation in Spain (Hey) Suck my balls Suck my balls Hippies all have AIDS (Hey) They smoke their crack, and shoot their smack, and smell like shit all day. Went to the tittie bar 'Cause it wasn't too far Saw a big tittie bitch with a bush so big, one day she'll be a star She likes Twinkies in her G-String, or maybe a Hershey bar Tonight, we gon' cow tippin' in the fuckin' tittie bar (Yeehaa) Suck my balls Suck my balls Fat bitches love cake. I love to fuck fat bitches, like Catholics like to rape (Hey) Suck my balls Suck my balls Fat bitches love cake. And if you stole this album, Rucka thinks your fucking gay WHAT...POWDER! Powder? You know, cocaine? YEE-HAW!