Rucka Rucka Ali

Let's Go Jesus!

Rucka Rucka Ali

Someone black just stole my car,
How my kids gonna get to the water park?
If you needed a ride, just ask!
Now I'm stuck at home, guess I'll beat my wife...
Just wait 'til Jesus gets back!
He'll be real pissed off that you did that!
He got some caps with your name on them, bitch ass!
Keep playing games... I'll pray for you asshole! [Uh!]

Hey, everyone! You should [read the bible...]
It says [don't do drugs...]
And don't get sexually aroused [when wiping your ass...]
And make sure you don't fuck anyone's [butthole.]
And don't give AIDS to your [uncle.]
'Cause I come in the name of Jesus, Mary and all them nuckas!

God's my guy,
I'm rolling with my ninja Jesus Christ.
Satan can suck on my cock, tonight.
Some yellow nigga just burned my rice.
LET'S GO JESUS! *clap, clap, clap*

Now don't kill your kid with a fork,
And don't fuck your grandma, when she's plugged into the wall.
And don't give blowjobs for a dollar in a highschool bathroom... That's not cool!
And don't have sex,
And don't get raped,
And don't masturbate in yor momma's basement!
And don't kill a baby with a coat hanger...
...and keep Kosher, just in case.

God, he's the guy that you don't [wanna fuck with.]
'Cause he'll pop [all you dumb shits.]
And he's been around [like a million years, and he's got a son,]
And his name is [Jesus.]
And he died like a [hundred years ago...]
That's that one, dude, who's dead on a cross!

God's my guy,
I'm rolling with my ninja Jesus Christ.
Satan can suck on my cock, tonight.
Some yellow nigga just burned my rice.
LET'S GO JESUS! *clap, clap, clap*

I'm always praying, like everyday in my church [to Jesus...]
'Cause no one's got their salad tossed like he did,
I'm saying god, got, got...
'Cause no one cares about god, they just wanna roll with his kid Jesus...

[All my niggas are talking about!]

God's my guy,
I'm rolling with my ninja Jesus Christ.
Satan can suck on my cock, tonight.
Some yellow nigga just burned my rice.
LET'S GO JESUS! *clap, clap, clap*

God's my guy,
I'm rolling with my ninja Jesus Christ.
Satan can suck on my cock, tonight.
Some yellow nigga just burned my rice.
LET'S GO JESUS! *clap, clap, clap*