Tom: Em Em C G D Hello from the Darkside Em C G D I must have killed all the Jedi Em C Can’t say that I’m sorry G D For blowing up Alderaan Em C We could’ve ruled the galaxy G D As father and son [Chorus] Em C G D Hello from the Darkside Em C G D Do or do not, there is no try Em C It’s just not real easy G D To keep building Deathstars Em C It doesn’t matter, it clearly G D Doesn’t stop the Empire anymore [Instrumental] Em C G D Em C G D Greedo Em C G D Lando Em C G D Han Solo Em C G D C-3PO Em C G D Admiral Ackbar Em C G D Jango Em C G D Kit Fisto Em C G D Bayo Em C Watto G D Supreme Leader Snoke Em C G D Kylo [Chorus] Em C G D Hello from the Darkside Em C G D I must have killed all the Jedi Em C Can’t say that I’m sorry G D For blowing up Alderaan Em C We could’ve ruled the galaxy G D As father and son [Chorus] Em C G D Hello from the Darkside Em C G D Do or do not, there is no try Em C It’s just not real easy G D To keep building Deathstars Em C It doesn’t matter, it clearly G D Doesn’t stop the Empire anymore [Outro] Em C G D Em