Crawling and flying, slaves of the death My rage will talk for me Rise and falling, can you feel my breath? Living-dead now marching free The sons of the first, walks step by step In a battle for the night The ancients' contriving inside their graves Awaiting for the twilight A terrible sin was committed More children was created Sons killed their fathers And they fell in A sea of hate Now you see and I feel The destiny is fulfilled Weapons up to kill Realizing my will Akhkharu Militae Fight for Jihad (Jihad, Jihad) Fight for the ambition (Jihad, Jihad) Fight for my pride (Jihad, Jihad) Fight till destruction (Jihad, Jihad) Akhkharu Militae (Jihad, Jihad) The holy war of hell Poenitentia et ambitionis! Oh no! What was done! You can't take out my throne! Proud, now you are alone! I wish get back to Enoch! To Enoch! All is lost Fight for Jihad (Jihad, Jihad) Fight for the ambition (Jihad, Jihad) Fight for my pride (Jihad, Jihad) Fight till destruction (Jihad, Jihad) Akhkharu Militae (Jihad, Jihad) The holy war of hell All is lost! Throne is lost!