Tom: A A Baby, oh baby..tell the man at the ticket stand E that you've changed your mind. A Well, let me run on out and tell the cab to keep D the meter flying. A E Cause if you say goodbye to me, baby, you know A you're gonna break my mind. CHORUS: A Break my mind, break my mind. I know I just can't stand to hear E those big jet engines whine. A A7 D Break my mind, break my mind, oh, Lord. A If you leave you're gonna leave, E A a babbling fool behind. #2. A Baby, oh, baby..let me take your suitcase off E Of them scales in time. A Tell the man that you suddenly developed D a thing about high flying. A Cause if you say goodbye to me, baby, E A you know you're gonna break my mind. CHORUS: A Break my mind, break my mind. I know I just can't stand to hear E those big jet engines whine. A A7 D Break my mind, break my mind, oh, Lord. A If you leave you're gonna leave, E A a babbling fool behind. (INTERLUDE:PIANO:) CHORUS: A Break my mind, break my mind. I know I just can't stand to hear E those big jet engines whine. A A7 D Break my mind, break my mind, oh, Lord. OUTRO A If you leave you're gonna leave, E A a babbling fool behind. (x2)(Fade.)