Brave as the rocks upon the shore 'Til earth turneth no more Long tireless tides I rove Low is the patting of my feet Still as a child's On earth's gentle heath For as children we must seem Aimless indeed To reel 'gainst seething seas And lo, silence doth shroud Our oracles in doubt Naught but our hearts resounds May heaven be cleared of grey If fortune might be swayed To whatever dreams may come our way What'll tomorrow hold, who'll say Over say today Are we but a decibel In the din of this chaotic concerto? As moons aspire to be suns Stones conspire to be mountains So we to be divine If man might inspire a second thought May providence light your way And troubles be spelled away Life's but a brief endeavour as it is And as we tip-toe around the Sun Have all of us just begun Or are we but a flicker in the brightness In the violence that lights all beings As leaves long to be woods Hours to lengthen to aeons So I to feel alive As raindrops aspire to be seas As moons aspire to be suns Stones conspire to be mountains So we to be divine If man might inspire a second thought As leaves long to be woods Hours to lengthen to aeons So I to feel alive As raindrops aspire to be seas For what common ground have we But the boundless need to be As long as we may breathe