Rough Silk

Set Me Free

Rough Silk

I tried to pray for aims to find - tried to care for the sad
-to be a guide for the blind - for those who are wounded bad.
Sometimes I feel like I haven't had enough
even though the road is getting tough.
But when the times are getting much too hard
even the sun is afraid of the dark 

Set me free from the pain (Set me free) 

I'm a pilgrim for honesty in a renegade parade
- see what the faithless have done to me - dancin' on a razor's blade.
Shame on those who only see what they want to see
- blaming you - blaming me - without responsibility.
If you want a little peace sometimes you've gotta ride
a hundred miles of darkened trail before you catch the light. 

Set me free... 

There ain't no sense in running as fast as I can
But it's always worth it to start all over again. 

Set me free...