Rough Silk

Sentimental Trust

Rough Silk

He was a money - hungry - power - thirsty rich man's kind
Taught to praise the business
And that's all he ever did 

Daytime - nightime - always the same
One day he realised
Something's missing in his game 

Well - money makes the world go 'round
To have or have not - holy amount
But there's one thing you can't buy at all
Whoever you are - without it you're small 

Sentimetal trust - sets hearts on fire
Sentimetal trust - can't be drowned on greed
Sentimetal trust - our dream's desire
Sentimetal trust - tames cold and heat
Another lad was just a shy shy boy
he wasn't too attractive
And always without joy 

So he went to a whore to learn what loves means
But she couldn't give emotions
She only sold what's in her jeans 

Well - money makes the world go 'round
To have or have not - holy amount 

But sentimetal trust - sets hearts on fire
Sentimetal trust - can-t be drowned in greed
Sentimetal trust - our dream's desire
Sentimetal trust - tames cold and heat