Sittin?in a streetcafe? in Barcelona watching my thoughts disappear with all those people passin? by and I ask myself: "What am I doin? here?" What the hell did I think as I gave you my dreams and my golden steelbar on the phone you said you knew I would miss you. Who the hell do you think you are? And the Barcelona sun shines bright as bright could be. Hasta luego - vaya con dios, but never again with me!!! It?s a nice day for a funeral - nice day for an end! The dice may roll `till yesterday decides to be your friend. Well, the sound of a breaking heart can turn a soul in two but it?s a nice day for a funeral - a nice day without you!!!! An old man sits next to me for hours and hours while the painters and the gamblers get their share. Some hookers on the other side give me a smile. I smile back - there?s freedom in the air! I get up and slowly walk back to my hotel to get ready for tonight?s early show. After soundcheck I?ll walk down to the beach and tonight I?ll be playin?every "f**k-you-song" I know!! And the Barcelona sun...