Continual loss of rights increase of restriction Majority of nations poor have few exemtions Failure to abide resulting lost possession No one speaks against them our loss is wage recession Minor complaints may be heard while others just deliberately Ignore but who dares to challenge against their word lo be defeated And beaten some more Increased taxes government defeceit freedom and rights removal Life's easier for them since all made it possible by showing unanimous approval With help from our idiocy naiveness, stupidity It's enabled their powers to grow stronger, The future has a collapsed economy, if we wait any longer Increased taxes, government defeceit freedom and rights removal Life's easier for them, since all made it possible by showing unanimous approval Political authorities gaining maximum control, distorting laws For their own benefit life of pleasure, beyond a maximum Do without, what they receive from us Continual loss of rights increase of restriction Majority of nations poor have few exemtions Failure lo abide resulting lost possession No one speaks against them our loss is wage recession Set the standard for those who are paying Set the standard for those who are paying Till it reaches a point of complete dictatorship