Recurring disorder Caused by certain given powers Has gone to their heads Will be corrected With abhorrent revenge. All will end In the destructive depletion Of those who attack and harass By brutal unheard of methods of torture and torment. Until it is learned The only ones deserving Are themselves. Action will be taken Against all of them For the abuse of their titles original purpose. This can all begin Starting with The removal of the firearms and nightsticks Now they will wear it pinned to the bear skin of their chest. They will be beaten with Nail ended ball bats Forced to stop Running chainsaws with their teeth. Their heads will be dipped In boiling hot grease. Bodies dragged through broken glass Covered in salt. Maybe then they'll think twice, Before harassing The minority groups Most innocently victimized. Graphic bloody sights of welts And razor thin slices From a high powered weed eater, And whats left of arms and legs After going through a tree shredder. Hit with a claw hammer Swung from behind To the back of the head. Pin them to the floor By their toenails and fingernails With a wood staple gun. When tormented To near lifelessness Yet still breathing They will be Hung by the eye-sockets From sharp stainless hooks. Could this be a cure for a Mental illness Of superiority? Who's to say if they even Qualify For what they're supposed to do anyway? Punishment like such Is a reward For what they really deserve. Let us not forget the man Who sits And swings the hammer, He will pay his dues next...