
The Fragile Shades Of Grey


See him, who ariseth from these dreary waters 
What doth thy imagination tell thee? 
Those pale dim lights make all eternity end... 
... and who laugheth now? 

Sleep... it leads you right unto dimensions never seen 
Illusive dreamvisions, aeoms passing in a moment 
They all dwell therein, there where your second 
Sight's blinded and delight stands for pain 

Fragile existence disheartedly brought to 
Comdemned shell of torturous co-existence 
Men and insects, both with solus departed 
This cannot be 

Stop for a moment (please stop) 
Conceive, create and produce your own angels 
Demons of the same kind 
Anyone or anything you'd dare to trust 

Naturally, everything seems to be an absurd 
Absurd to a maximum extent 
However, please dream on and walk on 
The path you chose, what a jewel of 
Subterranea it hides? 
And is it jewel at all? 

One billion questions yet with no answer 
Dream a dream and go deeper deeper deeper! 
Deeper into time and space all created by yourself 

And now would please you go back to externality 
Tell me... can you see anything now? 
In these waters dark as hell itself probably is, (yes) 
Still the vision's recognizable... 

See him, who ariseth from these dreary waters 
What doth thy imagination tell thee? 
Those pale dim lights make all eternity end... 
... and who laugheth now?