Rose Polenzani

The Flood

Rose Polenzani

I feel stiff in my knees.
Danny, mind your momma.
Run on upstairs and shut the windows,
it's raining.

Daddy, he'll be home any minute.
You quiet your sister.
Someday the wind is gonna shame that girl!
She will wail no more.

Hush, boy, how many times?
Rock, these walls are, not feathers,
still this could be the weather 
for sailing.

Aim your blows at the river,
keep your crying a secret.
She needs no one to call for her,
streets or children.

When it hit, I don't know
where my kids are
what part of this house.

We could swim for it
but my sweet girl wants to open
her mouth
and shout 
and shout
and shout

Well. I don't know if if I survived,
but Danny says I'm alive,
and if feels nice to hear his voice.

I feel spun like a feather.
I am made of a piece of her
and Danny
and It feels nice.