He comes to me on bareback, a parcel of a spur and ring. Says, the horses they don't run for me since you're gone, and maybe I needed you, maybe I loved. Pull another chair up for Friday wasn't so long ago, and the press of your jean on my knee still shows. Cowboy hat and long black hair, red and purple wagon, Sarsparilla, hear my prayer, ride me 'til I break in. Cowboy hat and long black hair... Too bad about the capsize, baby. I heard it in town. Did you drive out your last tank and love chasin' a runaround? We're lucky there were no children to tie us to a post. You tell me what you mean by lyin' so close. Cowboy hat and long black hair, red and purple wagon, Sarsparilla, hear my prayer, ride me 'til I break in. Cowboy hat and long black hair... I'm a sucker for a needy rider. I'm a slow jane. I'm the one who takes the nightwatch over your pain.