I wish I could stay calm I only smile because I'm scared of what we're talking about and yet I hope to draw you out I miss the days before we met you make me worry about you and when I think you need some help (I'm on your side, trying to make you smile) I only talk about myself no one knows what a sorry girl you've been no one knows what a sad sad queen no one knows what a fog you're in no one knows no one knows what you mean you give so much of you to me but still I don't know who you are when you are by yourself (I'm on your side, trying to make you smile) is it sublime or is it hell no one knows what a happy girl you've been no one knows what a mad mad dream no one knows what a groove you're in no one knows no one knows where you've been i'm trying to make you cry to see you as you are it's all about me in the end I want to be your friend if I could close my eyes and open up my hands would I be crowing with delight or would I cry, 'No one knows No one knows what I've seen.'