a snail in his shell accosted my heart "rip me, speedy, it's not hard the cancer grows through my skin and what can I do but die?" Well, what more to say? who, now, to ask? call your god he's seething bored his manifestations you have ignored call your god your love will keep another awakening and no less frightening you bend the ear that planted the pain to listen is poison to any marriage the cat was mum up 'til the end he proved himself a true friend and neither of us knows how to change this I put you on a penny and dropped you in the bank don't thank me for my money don't thank me for the thanks I see you in the city parking tickets and pigeon wings I see you collecting pill boxes and playthings I beg you, neglect me I beg you to be still if you won't protect you who will? who will? well, what more to say? who now to ask? tell me tell me tell me what more to say? who now to ask? tell me, prithee I'm here