Nuff man paranoid, this I can't figure no way Truth made manifest, from back in the ancient day Now computer age, is got them in a rage INI have no fear I know its 2000 years And now millennium, has got some man so scared And mass suicide, it punctuate those fears I man know the way just spread truth and love again and then I man a say, one day we will rise again, Yeah New World Order, no I don't fear, KKK, INI just don't care It's 2000 years just make your way so straight and then I man a say one day you will smile again In 1998 I saw the vision clear Hope its not too late, still got a little more time to pray Its 2000 years, just make your way so straight And then I man a say one day you will smile again Nuff man paranoid, this I can't figure no way Truth made manifest, from back in the ancient day Now computer age, is got them in a rage Its 2000 years, we don't got time to waste And now me see them walking down the street with a Rebel Yell And the universe were living in is oh so parallel well Its 2000 years, make your way so straight And then I man a say one day you will rise again JAH give me talent to dance JAH give me talent to play JAH give me talent to chant , I know I burn them down everyday Although some time its smooth, and Rocky in the day JAH give me the talent to burn fire pon all them wicked man JAH give me talent to dance JAH give me talent to play JAH give me talent to chant , I know I burn them down everyday Although some time its smooth, and Rocky in the day Search inside yourself, JAH kingdom is within