Victims of a System, Children living in darkness And all the big plays, no paydays; now them sell out JAH JAHprophets all for rice and peas Forgive but never forget. To spill my blood that a them intent In wolf eyes is bare lies and now me penetrate them through how them disguise Bare chains on my backbones and now them wash our brains with charcoals And I say with stress, your helpless Until them turn your Soul case Into a basket Well Babylonian, times numbered, because tomorrow a Holy Ethiopia That's when the Lion from Zion him a go bust the 7 seals and free up I man Slave trade abolishment I know a Hollywood illusion made with intent And then consequent to chain up my brain Until my soul come back now in a hurricane So me say forgive but never forget To waste my talent that a them intent, but still we keep on coming so strong Enemies of robber Babylonians Enemies of robber Babylonian (x3) Meanwhile them sellout, sellout Nuff a them a sellout, sellout Nuff a them a sellout, sellout And now them sell out Marcus Garvey now for rice and peas Victims of a System, Children living in darkness And all the big plays, no paydays; now them sell out JAH JAH prophets all for rice and peas I got a sharp mind and a sharp wit, so you'll never turn my soul into a basket Psychological misgivings would never stop this Rasta youth from living Car bombs change geography and now it's a different psycho-sociology That they be warranting now by my rude boy face Unnu never turn my Rasta people in disgrace Forgive but never forget To waste my talent a them intent But we keep on coming so strong Enemies of Robber Babylonian Enemies of robber Babylonian (x3) Meanwhile them sellout, sellout Nuff a them a sellout, sellout Nuff a them a sellout, sellout And now them sell out Marcus Garvey now for rice and peas Youths we hold on firm; Wicked a watch and a squirm Were in this rootical music long term Watch them victimize the truth them paralyze And with my music sword them a chop down to size Children time to open your eyes!!! Don't Become avictim of Babylon system! A Victim?