Is it every nation for itself as we're plucking our feathers To be so naked for Moloch and dancing all in tatters Should the gods of war cast a brightening glance So that we may know the dance is from the [?] Some are piling up the barricades or sharpening the cross But whichever way the wind will turn, it'll be our loss Now I got twenty-seven brothers who never felt so alone Who would cross over tomorrow, truth be told I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU You know you lost that gamble when you're lesser than a fuhrer All these dreams disassembled and just pumped into the sewer Someone call a handyman, someone call a truce So that we may know the hangman from the noose I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU Some are piling up the barricades or sharpening a cross But whatever the treaties say, it will be our last Now I got twenty-seven brothers who've never felt that alone Who would turn back time, truth be told And some are piling up the barricades or sharpening a cross But as you and me know, it will be our last I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU I was born in the EU