"…and we're all going around not being quite who we would want to be and so one of the most important things of making space for somebody is to make the space that they can step into and be the person they would like to be. because what we're dealing with is transformation. of ourselves. and every single person we meet." Now everything just seems about to break Because people don't need proof when they have faith We surrender when we crawl, when we doubt If we stop, if we stay quiet, we die "…it's today. the most valuable, precious thing you have in your life is this second. nothing is better later." Now instinct has left its warm lair And courage is back on the wings of prayer Within our joyous drunkeness Solitude is accepted Let it come from within In each instant of time With each crumbling "…alle sorgen, alle kleinlichen dinge des lebens, alle unklarheit und schwäche fällt ab von uns…" We are all dead But dancing In black waves of sleep All covered with flowers Seared from within We stood guard on the ramparts Shedding our leaves In beautiful completeness While they insulted our gried "…er ist bezwungen, er ist unser…" So go ahead and free me - allem voran die tat Better dead than kneeling - allem voran die tat Our lives deprived of meaning - allem voran die tat So stop trying to conceal me - allem voran die tat