Whatcha say when there's nothing left to say Whatcha do when there's nothing left to do If love's a game then i don't want to play Don't have nothing if i don't have you I remember the day It seems so far away When i When i made you smile More than i made you cry But i still know deep inside Yeah i still know deep inside That i'll always Go back To you Can't you see no matter What you Say or do You're the one for me i'll always Go back To you May be on my knees but i'll Go back To you Burrs walked over to the table, to fix himself a drink And as much as he was able, he managed not to think But something clicked in his mind, made him go off half-cocked He bolted to the bedroom door, tried it, and found it was unlocked Dim light from the open door streamed in over the bed He saw two figures laying intertwined, one with a golden head Queenie taking black, he thought. caught in the act! And for the first time in burrs's life, he felt his heart crack. I remember the day It seems so far away When you When you made you smile More than you made me cry But now you got this other guy Yeah you got this other guy So i'll never Go back To you No not me i'll never Go back To you Now you're free i'll never Go back To you Can't you see i'll never Go back To you Queenie bolted upright as burrs closed the bedroom door Who's that? she called. burrs hissed: you dirty whore! I'll break your goddamn neck in half! his voice grew high and shrill Came black's retort, low and menacing: like hell you will! Black rose, the shadow pounced Both men went down, but burrs got trounced A hand reached into a dresser drawer And in a flash burrs was on his feet, even madder than before Something in his hand made a dull, gray gleam Look out! shot queenie's warning scream He's got a gun! burrsie, don't shoot! But black was quick, and resolute He grabbed burrs by the wrist and squeezed 'til the bones began to crack The gun dropped, black grabbed it, took aim and then lurched back The gun flashed! crashed! staccato it spoke! Silence, darkness, the air smelled sharp with smoke Burrs was on the floor, blood seeped from his head Queenie whispered: burrsie! my burrsie's dead! No he'll never go back to you Burrs is gone He'll never go back it's true Now that you had your fun Ain't no going back for you This song is sung Ain't no going back it's true This party is done A crash! The chair! Black almost fell Christ! he mumbled What the hell? Jesus christ! I've hurt my shin! The door sprang open And the cops rushed in